December World Holidays
Check out how the world celebrates during the month of December!
*Log in and check out the Society & Culture section for the country that interests you. 
*Under that section, link to Food & Holidays to see if there are any unique December celebrations.
*When searching this ebook, search for:
*the name of your holiday or
*the name of your country
*Not all countries are represented.
History of Christmas from
The Official Kwanzaa Web Site

Winter Solstice Celebrations  
Winter Holiday Roundup from Infoplease 

Celebrate in December and January- Asia Holidays
Christmas Traditions from Around the World
Hanukkah-Chanukah-Menorah, Dreidels, Latkes, Recipes, Games and More
Food Year
Holiday Insights
How Stuff Works: Kwanzaa
How Stuff Works:  Hanukkah

Looking for Crazy Traditions and Holidays?
December - Monthly, Weekly & Daily Unknown, Crazy, Bizarre, Holidays

Quick Links:
Check out these world holiday / American Holiday R.Q.W.s!
Interested in Chrismas in America?
          Try these R.Q.W.s

Christmas in Colonial America
Modern Christmas from the Library of Congress

Search the Library of Congress for Christmas
You can also search our American History Sources: History (American)

How Stuff Works: Christmas
Christmas Stories
Christmas Songs

Watch it:
Christmas and A Christmas Carol
Christmas Day: A Video Culture Class
Hanukkah: A Video Culture Class
Kwanzaa: A Video Culture Class

*Check out all the Holidays
not just December!