Fairchild Challenge Resources @ Your Library
Environmental Science

*Science Online: Environmental Science
*Exploring Life Science
*Life Science
*Today's Science: Environment
*SIRS Environment and Science
*Dictionary of Environment and Conservation
*Environmental Problems & Solutions
*Log into Learn 360 and search for academic videos
*Log into Masterfile Premier and search for your topic.
Plant/Botanical Links

*Science Online: The Plant World
*Natural Resources: Plants
*Facts on File Dictionary of Botany
*Fact Cite: Plants
*Oxford Dictionary of Plant Sciences
Energy, Sustainability, & Food

*Science Online: Green Technology
*Science Online: Global Warming
*Science Online: Energy and the Environment
*Dictionary of Energy Science
*Supplemental Dictionary of Renewable Energy and Sustainability
*Science in Context: Sustainable Agriculture
*Remaking the North American Food System
*Dictionary of Food and Nutrition
*Oxford Book of Health Foods
*What is a Vegan Diet?
*Vegan Nutrition Guide: How to be a Healthy Vegan
*Veganism & the Environment: By the Numbers
*Sustainable Table
Fairchild Recommended Links

Challenge 1
Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future's FoodSpan Curriculum
*EPA Sustainable Management of Food
*EPA: Food Too Good to Waste Camplain

Challenge 2
Eden Project: Pollination for Kids
*Kids Growing Strong: Pollinators
*USDA: Pollinators
*Flower Structure and Pollination

Challenge 3
*Lots to Love: Pittsburgh

Challenge 4
Nobel Prize in Literature: 1954

Optional Challenge
Don't Just Sit There

Please see Mrs. King for help with
ideas and resources!