*Make sure that you have the proper spelling of the disorder.
*Keep a sharp eye out as you read for:
*Alternate names for the disorder
*Any related disorders that you may need to understand
*Any body system that is affected, so that you can research that system.
*Be careful about the sources that you use. 
*Sources written by medical experts are considered academic and trustworthy.
Search Tips:
Quick R.Q.W. Links
*National Organization for Rare Disorders 
*National Center for Biotechnology Information: Genes and Disease
*MEDLINEplus Genetics/Birth Defects Topics 
*Your Genes, Your Health
*Genetic Home Reference:  A Guide to Understanding Genetic Conditions  
*Genetics and Rare Conditions Site
*National Human Genome Research Institute

General Health Information:
*Medline Plus
*Web MD
Genetic Disorder Resources @ Your Library
Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders

*The ultimate source for information on genetic disorders.
*Remember to use the search box that is marked "Search within Publication".
*This is an ebook source, so you will have 2 containers.  The book is container 1 and the Gale Virtual Reference Library is container 2.
Consumer Health Complete

1. Type the subject in the "Find" box. ¨
2. From the list of hits under the "All Results" tab, explore the different resources available.
3. Be sure to use the database's print command to print any article.
4. If you need help with medical vocabulary, use the link to the built-in medical dictionary.  It appears at the top of each page

**Although you can use any source, the one called Conditions and Proceedures in Brief is EXCELLENT!
*This is an digitized resource program, so you will have 2 containers.  The original resource is container 1 and Consumer Health Complete is container 2.
Salem Online

Log in on the right hand side.
Type your disorder on the "Find" line. This is a full text keyword search, so you may get hits that only mention your disorder. 
2.Your search terms will be highlighted in yellow, so only focus on the hits, if your article is not completely about the disorder.
3. To print, just use "File" and "Print".
*This is an ebook resource, so you will have 2 containers.  The book is container 1 and Salem Online is container 2.
Health Reference Center

1. Type the subject in the search box at the top of the page.  From the list of results, click the "Topics" tab.
2. Be sure to use the database's print command to print the article.
3. Do not forget to evaluate the "Related Links" and "Suggested Searches" with each article.
*You can always go back and examine the other hits (Images/Videos, News Articles, and Organization link) if you need further information.
*This is an ebook source, so you will have 2 containers.  The book is container 1 (Use the record information on the right hand side of the article and Health Reference Center is container 2.
Science In Context

1. Type the name of your genetic disorder on the search line.
2. From the reference hits, all hits may be useful, but look for World of Genetics. 
3. Check out the other source types:  Magazines, Academic Journals, Newspapers, Multimedia, and Websites
*This is an digitized resource program, so you will have 2 containers.  The original resource is container 1 and Science in Context is container 2.
Genetic Disorders Sourcebook

*Remember to use the search box that is marked "Search within Publication".
*This is an ebook source, so you will have 2 containers.  The book is container 1 and the Gale Virtual Reference Library is container 2.