The Plea...
*Excuse: Insanity--The Encyclopedia of Crime and Justice
*Frontline:  A Crime of Insanity   (Features:  Ralph Tortorici Trial, *Overview of Insanity on Trial, Jailed and Imprisoned Mentally Ill)
*Insanity and the Insanity Defense:  Encylcopedia of Bioethics
*Insanity Defense: The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
*The Insanity Defense:  A Closer Look
         (This site has links for Kaczynski, Salvi, and DuPont)
Search Tips for the Cases:
*Place the criminal s name in quotation marks.
*If the criminal's name does not give you the results that you expect, try searching by alternate keywords. 
*Examples of alternate keywords are:
       1.  The victim's name(s)
       2. The terms "cult murderer", "serial murderer," and other terms
            that describe the crimes that were committed.
       3. Terms that describe trials such as:  trial, transcript, court
           documents, litigation, etc.
R.Q.W.s/Ebooks for Cases:
Our library has many print books and digital books to help.  We are happy to send copies to your account to help with your research.

*Click here to see a list of our local print and ebooks.

*American Villains
*Encyclopedia of Serial Killers
*Serial Killers:  The Method and Madness of Monsters
*Famous American Trials:  The John Hinckley Trial
*Famous American Trials:  Charles Manson
*The Wichita Eagle:  The BTK Killer
*The New Predator:  Women Who Kill --Chapter on Aileen Wuornos
*Portrait of a Killer:  Jack the Ripper, Case Closed
*The Making of Lee Boyd Malvo
R.Q.W.s for additional Media:
*ABZY Newslinks:  Media Outlets from all over the country
{Focus on where the crime was committed and tried}
*USA Today
*ABC News
Part 1: Case Background
Crime Library
FBI: Serial Murder --good for background info.
Bio:  Infamous Serial Killers -- documentaries
CI:  Crime Investigation: Explore Crime

Biography Resources:
*Biography in Context (HELP!)
*Salem Online (HELP!)

Magazines & Journals:
*Academic OneFile
*Gale Onefile: Popular Magazines
Gale Onefile: News
*Gale Onefile: High School Edition
*MAS Ultra - School (HELP!)
*Masterfile Premier (HELP!)
*Newspaper Source Plus (HELP!)
*SIRS Issues Researcher (HELP!)
Profiling & Insanity Plea Resources @ Your Library
Medical Background:
*Salem Online
*Gale Virtual Reference Library: Psychology
*Health Reference Center
*Consumer Health Complete
*Cavendish Square: Diseases and Disorders
*Cavendish Square: Family Health