Learn about the Author:
*Contemporary Literary Critisism:  Khaled Hosseini
*Newsmakers: Khaled Hosseini
*The National Post:  The Nation We Don't Know
Critical Opinion of the book:
*World Literature Today:  Khaled Hosseini. The Kite Runner
*Student Resource Center:  Khaled Hosseini and The Kite Runner
*Wrenching Tale by an Afghan Immigrant Strikes a Chord
Learn about the Setting and Culture:
Country and Culture:
*ABC Clio World Geography:  Afghanistan

Soviet Afghanistan:
*"Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan." The Seventies in America
*"Soviet Union Invades Afghanistan." Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1971-2000.
*"Soviet Troops Leave Afghanistan." Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1971-2000

Afghanistan Under the Taliban:
*"Taliban Begins Suppression of Human Rights in Afghanistan." Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1971-2000.
*Issues and Controveries on File: The Taliban

Learn about the Religion:
*Encyclopedia of Religious Practices:  Islam

Shia Islam:
*Shi'i Islam:  The Islamic World-Past and Present
*Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices:  Shiism

Sunni Islam:
*Sunni Islam:  The Islamic World- Past and Present
*Worldmark Encyclopedia of Religious Practices:  Sunnism
News Updates:

Afghanistan: News In Brief

"White House Review Sees 'Fragile' Gains in Afghanistan; 'Responsible Reduction' of Troops in 2011"
*Listen to a BBC Interview with Hosseini
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