Before School

7:00 AM
to 7:25
*Report directly to the library.
*Do not go anywhere else in the building, including your locker.
*Sign in at the main desk.
*Remain in the library until all students are permitted in the building..
Please note that all hours are subject to change
based on assigned district duties. 
Hours & Attendance @ Your Library
Study Halls

*Students may not leave a scheduled class
or miss a class to come to the library.

*Use the library's digital pass system to reserve a seat. (Reserve link on the home page.)
*Report directly to the library before the late bell.
*Sign in at the main desk.
*Your teacher will see you on the digital attendance.
*Skipping lunch? Come directly to the library and follow the study hall procedures- see above.
*Need to get lunch?  Mark Cafeteria when you reserve your seat and bring your lunch with you.
*Eating is permitted in designated areas.
*Sign in at the main desk.
*Keep your area clean or eat in the cafeteria!