Tutorial by:  Patricia Ann King, MLS  Questions to:  Kingp@wmasd.org
Some style guides have other names for these types of source lists. 
You may see them called "Bibliography" or "References"
Works Cited and Consulted
What is a Works Cited and Consulted Page?
It is a list of all the sources that you read/listened/watched/annotated to gather information for a project.
•Your reader/teacher should be able to trace where all your information originated and locate the original
source, if needed.
•If you directly quote and paraphrase all of the sources, then you title the page: Works Cited.
•If you are required to include sources that you only used for general/background knowledge, title the page:
Works Cited & Consulted.

Where do I put the page?
It is the last page of your paper or slide of a presentation
•It is numbered as the last page.
•It strictly follows the rules from the MLA style guide.
•It is organized in alphabetical order by the first word of citation (the sentence that describes the source).
•At West Mifflin, you must attach a Works Cited & Consulted page or you are considered to have plagiarized.
•Carefully follow your teacher’s requirements as to which sources should appear on your list so you can title it
correctly—Works Cited OR Works Cited & Consulted.

What goes on the page?

Each source on the list is represented by a fancy sentence called a citation.  EVERY source has its own citation on the list of Works Cited & Consulted.

•The MLA Style Guide has created a citation format that fits ANY type of source that you can use for information.

•Use a Citation Guide to draft your citations.

•For best results, have Mrs. King proofread your forms when you are done. 


How do I format my list?

Your list is the final page of your project. 

•It should be a separate page and should be numbered as the last page.

•Organize your source forms into alphabetical order based on the first word of the citation. 

•Make sure that you after you copy and paste the citation from the Citation Guide that you proofread for punctuation and revise the citation to make corrections. (Delete empty field, replace italics that were not carried over, etc.)

•Check that you capitalized correctly based on the Citation Guide directions.

•The typed page should be double spaced - just like the rest of your paper.

•Citations start at the margin.  If the citation is longer than 1 line, your extra lines are indented 5 spaces. *These are called hanging indentions.


For a finished example: Click here!