*Watch & Learn:
*Shakespeare's World
*A Midsummer Night's Dream (in Original Pronunciation)
*A Midsummer Night's Dream (BBC- Modern) - Episode 1
*A Midsummer Night's Dream (BBC- Modern) - Episode 2
*Shakespeare Re-told: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Midsummer Night's Dream Series
*A Midsummer Night's Dream (Quick Overview)
*A Misummer Night's Dream: Young Actors in Training
*Begin your exploration of Shakespeare's life and works by reading the biography article about him from Exploring Shakespeare.
*When reading the article, remember that any word that you do not understand can be looked up using the dictionary tool at the top of the site.  Just copy and past the word into the dictionary's search box for vocabulary help.

Click here to read the article:  "William Shakespeare"from Exploring Shakespeare.

Midsummer Night's Dream @ Your Library
*Read & Learn:
*A Midsummer Night's Dream (Text from Project Guttenberg)
*Shakespeare Center - scroll to Midsummer Night's Dream
A Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespearean Criticism- article 1
*A Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespearean Criticism- article 2
*The Brick Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream