20th Century World Events & People
Topic:  Kyrgyzstan's Tulip Revolution

General Article: Wahlert, Matthew H. "Central Asia after 1991." Encyclopedia of The Contemporary World, 1950 to the Present.
Article 1:
“Crisis in Kyrgyzstan (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Article 2:  “Kyrgyzstan's Tulip Revolution (Special Report).” World News Digest.

Topic:  Taliban & Afghanistan
General Article:  Horvitz, Leslie Alan, and Christopher Catherwood. "Taliban." Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide.
Article 1: 
Wahab, Shaista and Barry Youngerman. "Taliban era in Afghanistan." A Brief History of Afghanistan.
Article 2: 
Wahab, Shaista and Barry Youngerman. "Post-Taliban Afghanistan." A Brief History of Afghanistan

Topic:  Georgia/Russia War
General Article:  “Crisis in the Caucasus (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Article 1:
"A scripted war; Russia and Georgia." The Economist
Article 2: 
"Playground for war; The Caucasus." The Economist

Topic:  Iran & Nuclear Weapons
General Article:   “Research Feature: Iran's Nuclear Program.” World News Digest.
Article 1: “Research Feature: International Sanctions and the Iranian Nuclear Program.” World News Digest.
Article 2:
Lerner, K. Lee. "Iranian Nuclear Programs." Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security.

Topic:  Afghanistan
General Article: "Afghanistan." Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction.
Article 1:  “Research Feature: The War in Afghanistan.” World News Digest.
Article 2:
“NATO Announces Outline for Post-2014 Afghanistan Mission; Leaders Emphasize Need for Democratic Progress; Other Developments.” World News Digest.
Central Asia