20th Century World Events & People
Topic:  Pakistan & The War on Terror
General Article:
Wood, Glynn. "Pakistan: Partner Against Terrorism." History Behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflicts Worldwide.
Article 1: 
"Jawing with the Enemy; Pakistan and the Taliban." The Economist
Article 2:
"To Fight or Not to Fight; Pakistan and the Taliban." The Economist

Topic: Kashmir Conflict
General Article:
Pubantz, Jerry, and John Allphin Moore Jr. "Kashmir Conflict." Encyclopedia of the United Nations.
Article 1: 
“Kashmir Under the Gun (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Article 2:  “India-Pakistan Face-off (Special Report).” World News Digest.

Topic:  Bhopal
General Article:
Murphy-Medley, Deena, and Joseph R. Herkert. "Bhopal Case." Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics.
Article 1:
Riddle, John. "'An Unthinkable Accident'." Bhopal, Great Disasters: Reforms & Ramifications.
Article 2:
Riddle, John. "'A Look at Bhopal Today'." Bhopal, Great Disasters: Reforms & Ramifications.

Topic:  Women's Rights in India
General Article:
McGowan, Jo. "Breaking the Silence: Rape & India's Honor Culture." Commonweal
Article 1:
“India Gang Rape Furor (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Article 2:
“Five Men Charged With Gang Rape and Murder of Medical Student in India; Violence Against Women Becomes National Flashpoint.” World News Digest

Topic:  Nuclear Weapons
General Article:
“Key Issue: Nuclear Weapons.” World News Digest.
Article 1:
“Key Event: India, Pakistan Stage Nuclear Tests.” World News Digest.
Article 2:
Subanthore, Aswin. "India Conducts Nuclear Tests." Great Events from History: The Twentieth Century, 1971-2000
Indian Sub-Continent