20th Century World Events & People
Topic:  Indian Ocean Tsunami
General Article:
"Gigantic Tsunami Hits Indian Ocean Countries, December 26, 2004." Historic World Events
Article 1:
“Research Feature: Tsunami Brings Death and Destruction.” World News Digest
Article 2:
“Tsunami Triggered by Massive Earthquake Kills More Than 140,000 in 12 Countries in South Asia, Africa...Epicenter Off Indonesia's Sumatran Coast; Other Developments.”

Topic:  Aceh
General Article:
Stanford, Eleanor. "Indonesia: Grappling with Unrest in Irian Jaya and Aceh." History Behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflicts Worldwide
Article 1: Cochrane, Joe. "The Full Force of Peace; The tsunami hit Aceh so hard, it shocked the warring province to cease shooting and go to the polls." Newsweek International
Article 2: "Hoping for Peace to Return; Indonesia's Aceh Province." The Economist

Topic:  East Timor
General Article:
"East Timor Chooses Independence from Indonesia, and Violence Ensues, September, 1999." Historic World Events.
Article 1:
"East Timor Elects Its First President, April 17, 2002." Historic World Events. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
Article 2: 
“Timor's Agony (Special Report).” World News Digest.

Topic:  Myanmar Coup
General Article: "The Story Behind the Myanmar Coup"  Gale In Context: World History
Article 1: "Blood Money; The Coup in Myanmar" Gale in Context: World History
Article 2:  "Inside the 'Spring Revolution' Opposing Myanmar's Military Coup"  World News Digest

Topic: Christchurch Mosque Killings
General Article: "Mass Shooting at Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, March 15, 2019, Results in Revision of New Zealand Gun Laws" Gale in Context: World History
Article 1: "In New Zealand, Broad Support for Ban on Assault Weapons Following Massacre" Gale in Context: World History
Article 2:  "Gun Control Efforts Have Stalled, One Year After the Christchurch Mosque Killings; One Year After the Christchurch Massacre, Gun Control has Stalled in New Zealand" Gale in Context: World History