20th Century World Events & People
Topic:  Pope Francis Elected
General Article:
"Pope Francis I." Newsmakers
Article 1:
“Benedict, Francis Make Papal History (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Article 2:
“A year on, Pope Francis faces challenges meeting reform hopes.” World News Digest.

Topic:  NATO/European Union Expansion
General Article:
"NATO Invites Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic to Join the Alliance, July 8, 1997." Historic World Events
Article 1:
“European Union: 11 Nations Recommended for EMU.” World News Digest.
Article 2:
“European Union Admits 10 New Members in Eastward Expansion; Ex-Soviet Bloc Nations, Malta, Cyprus Join; Other Developments.” World News Digest
Article 3:  “Research Feature: The EU and NATO Expand.” World News Digest.

Topic:  Italian Mafia Crackdown
General Article:
"Mafia." Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction
Article 1:
"Crooked in Calabria; The Italian mafia." The Economist
Article 2:
“Italy, U.S. police crack big mafia drug ring.” World News Digest.
Article 3: Engelhart, Katie. "Taking on the mob: a crackdown in Italy has netted 17 of the 30 most-wanted fugitives." Maclean's
Article 4: "Northward creep; Mafias on the move." The Economist

Topic:  Lech Walesa
General Article:
Strugatch, Warren. "Lech Walesa." Newsmakers
Article 1: "Walesa by a neck? Poland." The Economist
Article 2:
"Rebel as anti-hero: Lech Walesa." The Economist

Topic: Charlie Hebdo Attack
General Article: "Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack, January 7, 2015." Historic World Events.
Article 1: "Gunmen Launch Attacks in and Around Paris, Killing 17; Three-Day Saga Begins With Shooting at Satirical Magazine That Leaves 12 Dead; Other Developments.” World News Digest.
Article 2:  "Editorial Opinion: Gunmen Launch Attacks in and Around Paris.” World News Digest.

Topic:  Paris Attacks
General Article: "Coordinated Terrorist Attacks in Paris Kill at Least 129; Suicide Bombers Armed With Assault Rifles Target Stadium, Cafes and Concert Hall; Other Developments.” World News Digest.
Article 1: "France Announces New Counterterrorism Measures After Paris Attacks; Belgium Increases Security After Thwarting Plot Aimed at Police.” World News Digest.
Article 2: Powell, Bill. "Paris Attacks Show 9/11 Changed Everything and Nothing; Don't expect the Paris attacks to mark the end of a war that began almost a decade and a half ago." Newsweek.

Central Europe