20th Century World Events & People
Eastern Africa

Topic:  Somalia
General Article:
Phillips, Charles, and Alan Axelrod. "Somali Civil War."  Wars in the Contemporary World (1950 to Present.)
Article 1:
“Key Event: U.S., U.N. Intervene in Somalia Strife.” World News Digest
Article 2: 
“U.S. Airlift to Somalia Begins; Relief Effort is Its Biggest Ever in Africa; Other Developments.” World News Digest.
Article 3:
“Ethiopian Troops Oust Islamists in Somalia (Special Report).” World News Digest.

Topic:  Ethiopia & Eritrea
General Article:
Joireman, Sandra Fullerton. "Ethiopia and Eritrea: Border War." History Behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflicts Worldwide.
Article 1: 
“Key Event: Famine Devastates Ethiopia.” World News Digest.
Article 2:
Horvitz, Leslie Alan, and Christopher Catherwood. "Human Rights Violations in Eritrea." Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide.
Article 3: 
Morgan, Matthew J. "Inside Eritrea: Matthew J. Morgan has been to Eritrea and reports about a country that appears to have been forgotten by time. Unlike in neighbouring Somalia, where pirate activity has commanded the world's attention, there is scant interest in Eritrea's woes." New African Aug.-Sept. 2009: 54+. World History in Context.

Southern Africa

Topic:  Apartheid
General Article:
"Apartheid of South Africa." Prejudice in the Modern World Reference Library.
Article 1:
"De Klerk Promises to Topple Apartheid Legislation, 1991." Historic World Events.
Article 2:
"South Africa Holds Its First Multiracial Election: April 27-29, 1994." Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History

Topic:  Nelson Mandela
General Article:
Findlay, Stephanie, and Nancy Macdonald. "Freedom fighter." Maclean's 30 Dec. 2013: 13+. World History in Context
Article 1:
“Key Event: Mandela's Election Ends South Africa's Apartheid Era.” World News Digest.
Article 2:
“Mandela Dead (Special Report).” World News Digest.

Topic:  Angolan Civil War
General Article:
"The Angolan Civil War: 1975-2002." Global Events: Milestone Events Throughout History.
Article 1: Horvitz, Leslie Alan, and Christopher Catherwood. "War Crimes in Angola." Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide.
Article 2:
“Peace Finally Comes to Angola...Maybe (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Eastern & Southern Africa