20th Century World Events & People
Western Africa
Topic:  Sierra Leone
General Article:
Richards, Paul. "Sierra Leone." Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Ed. Dinah L. Shelton. Vol. 2. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.
Article 1: 
Horvitz, Leslie Alan, and Christopher Catherwood. "Human Rights Violations in Sierra Leone ." Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide.
Article 2: 
“Peacekeeping Crisis in Sierra Leone (Special Report).” World News Digest.

Topic:  Blood Diamonds
General Article:
Horvitz, Leslie Alan, and Christopher Catherwood. "Conflict Diamonds." Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide.
Article 1: "Sanctions Against 'Blood Diamonds' as the Diamond Industry Seeks to Reform Itself Rather Than Face International Boycotts, July 16, 2000." Historic World Events.
Article 2:
"Forever dirty; Zimbabwe and Its Diamonds." The Economist 2 July 2011: 40(US). World History in Context.

Topic:  Mobutu & Zaire
General Article:
Axelrod, Alan, and Charles Phillips. "Mobutu Sese Seko." Dictators & Tyrants: Absolute Rulers and Would-Be Rulers in World History.
Article 1:
Davis, R. Hunt, ed. "Coups d'état in Africa." Encyclopedia of African History and Culture: Independent Africa (1960 to Present)
Article 2: 
"Zairian President Mobutu Flees; Kabila Sworn in as President of Congo, May, 1997." Historic World Events.
Article 3: “Zairian President Mobutu Steps Down, Flees...Rebels Rename Country; Other Developments.” World News Digest.

Central Africa
Topic:  Rwandan Genocide
General Article: 
"Genocide in Rwanda." Encyclopedia of Race and Racism.
Article 1: “Key Event: Rwanda Ethnic Tension Flares into Genocide.” World News Digest
Article 2:
“U.N. Issues Rwanda Genocide Report; Panel Faults U.N., U.S. for Inaction.” World News Digest.

Topic:  African Outbreaks
General Article:
"Ebola Outbreak in Uganda, October, 2000-January, 2001." Historic World Events
Article 1: 
Kohn, George Childs. "Congolese Ebola outbreaks." Encyclopedia of Plague and Pestilence
Article 2:
“Ebola Outbreak in Africa (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Article 3:  “Deadly Marburg Virus Outbreak in Angola (Special Report).” World News Digest.

Topic:  Joseph Kony & Uganda's Warlords
General Article:
“Newsmaker Profile: Joseph Kony.” World News Digest.
Article 1:
Guest, Pete. "Getting Away With Murder." Newsweek
Article 2: 
Johnson, Scott. "The Hunt for Kony." Newsweek
Article 3:  Horvitz, Leslie Alan, and Christopher Catherwood. "Kony, Joseph." Encyclopedia of War Crimes and Genocide

Topic: Boko Haram
General Article: "Boko Haram Insurgent War." Wars in the Contemporary World (1950 to Present)
Article 1: “Terror in Nigeria (Special Report).” World News Digest.
Article 2: “Editorial Opinion: Mass Kidnapping of Schoolgirls in Nigeria.” World News Digest.

Western & Central Africa