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To understand the play, the Crucible, use the links below, but also visit the pathfinders for:
         Joseph McCarthy, the Red Scare, & Arthur Miller
          Salem & the Witch Trials.
Who was the man behind the play?  Check these out:
Shuman, R. Baird. "Miller, Arthur." Great American Writers.

"Arthur Miller." Great Lives from History: The 20th Century.

Goldstein, Malcolm. "Miller, Arthur." Scholastic Go.

*Check out the web links, links to related articles, and use the link to read about the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

Arthur Miller: An Interview (Video)

Learn about the play...Check these out:

Pyle, Christian. "The Crucible."  Masterplots II:Juvenile & Young Adult Literature Series.

Abbotson, Susan C. W. "The Crucible." Critical Companion to Arthur Miller: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work.

Hayes, Richard. "A review of The Crucible." DISCovering Authors.

Woolway, Joanne. "A discussion of The Crucible." Drama for Students.

Hayes, Richard. "A Review of the The Crucible."  Discovering Authors.

Hill, Philip G. "The Crucible: A Structural View." Modern Drama.

"1.Overview: The Crucible." Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them.

Martin, Robert A. "Arthur Miller's The Crucible: Background and Sources." Modern Drama

Burt, Daniel S. "The Crucible." The Drama 100.

Sova, Dawn B. "The Crucible." Banned Plays.

" Miller, Arthur."
Great American Writers.  Marshall Cavendish Digital
" Miller, Arthur."
Dictionary of World Biography: The 20th Century.  MagillonLiterature Plus.
Arthur Miller & the Crucible Resources @ Your Library