Who was the man behind the controversy?  Check these out:

Joseph McCarthy-Scholastic Go

Learn about the controversy...check these out:

The McCarthy Hearings, 1950- Discovering U.S. History

McCarthyism. -Issues and Controversies in American History 
(Check out the extra material in the sidebar!)

Joseph McCarthy -Discovering Biography

Decade of Fear:  New York Times Upfront -Biography in Context

"McCarthyism and Literature." Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism.

How does Arthur Miller fit in with the Red Scare?

American Masters:  Arthur Miller
(Also check out the related materials in the right hand bar.)

Are You Now or Were You Ever?---Arthur Miller on McCarthy

Search Tips:
To understand the play, the Crucible, use the links below, but also visit the pathfinders for:
          Arthur Miller & the Crucible
          Salem & the Witch Trials.

McCarthyism and the Red Scare @ Your Library